Friday, January 18, 2008

You are what You hear, at least in part?

here begins my feeble reattempt at a blog. I did very poorly at keeping up with my last one, and I came to realize that it was quite outdated. Well, anyway, here I am again; hopefully, stronger, and with more random things to say.

You know, as I approach graduation, the more and more I realize, that maybe I have no idea what I want to do with my life. Shouldn't it be the other way around? By the time you are a senior you've honed down what you want to do? Well, I wish.

As I was sitting in my philosophy class today, it made me a little nostalgic that this was the last semester, in which I get to sit in class and discuss philosophy with the people around me, because c'mon, not a whole lot of people read Plato, Nietszche, Kafka, or Kierkegaard for kicks... I kept thinking to myself: "I want to be a philosopher-queen." I don't know, maybe I'll be a professor. GAH! That thought had never crossed my mind.

The real reason for my post however, (drum roll please)............ is that I would like to let you know a little habit of mine. I like to talk 'music' with people I meet, and download the music they say they like. I feel like listening to it gives me insight into who they are... so yes, I kinda judge you by what you listen to. And this makes me happy.

currently listening to: modest mouse. a smile, always a smile.


Enrique Treviño said...

Me da gusto que regresara el blog.

Es cierto que algo muy padre de la universidad es que hay muchas personas interesantes con quien discutir sobre temas diferentes (musica, películas, filosofía, la vida).

Es curiosa la paradoja de que entre más vives, es más difícil saber que quiere hacer uno en la vida (aunque quizás eso no le pasa a todos). Yo también me hallo en una situación donde no sé que quiero hacer con mi vida (trabajar para empresas como investigador, ser profesor de universidad, ser mastro en prepas, donde trabajar, etc.).

Algo que quería preguntarte era sobre tu experiencia ayudando en Africa (Kenya si no me equivoco). He estado pensando sobre tomarme un año para ir a hacer trabajo de voluntario en Africa. Me da mucha tristeza ver las atrocidades que pasan en Africa y me gustaría ayudar más que con dinero (ahorita dono dinero a organizaciones de caridad, pero también quiero aportas mis manos y mi tiempo).

tu amigo Enrique

El peri said...
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